EC2 backup with lambda

#Create EC2 Snapshots with AWS Lambda and Python Functions

Create the IAM Role that will be used

First in IAM, navigate to Services -> IAM -> Roles -> Create Role. Then select Lambda and create a policy for the role.

We want our function to be able to:

  • Read different types of information from EC2 (so we’ll give it full describe and read permissions)

  • Create and Delete Snapshots

  • Create and Delete Tags

  • Write access to CloudWatch Logs

   "Version": "2012-10-17",
   "Statement": [
           "Effect": "Allow",
           "Action": "logs:*",
           "Resource": "*"
           "Effect": "Allow",
           "Action": "ec2:Describe*",
           "Resource": "*"
           "Effect": "Allow",
           "Action": [
           "Resource": [


To label which EC2 Instances we want to snapshot – we will use tags.

Simply select the instance which we want to automatically snapshot – then give it the tag Key: ‘auto_snapshot’ and Value: ’true’ .


Now, navigate to the AWS Lambda Management Console. Then select Create Function > Author from Scratch. Name your function, choose Python 3.6 as the runtime, finally for roles select Choose an Existing Role (and select the role we made earlier).

Python 3.6 script to be added to the function, gist here: (Github)

import collections
import datetime
import time
import sys

today =
today_string = today.strftime('%Y/%m/%d')
delete_after_days = 2  # Delete snapshots after this many days

# Except after Monday (at Tuesday ~1am), since Friday is only 2 'working' days away:
if == 1:
    delete_after_days = delete_after_days + 2

deletion_date = today - datetime.timedelta(days=delete_after_days)
deletion_date_string = deletion_date.strftime('%Y/%m/%d')

ec2 = boto3.client('ec2')
regions = ec2.describe_regions().get('Regions',[] )
all_regions = [region['RegionName'] for region in regions]

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    snapshot_counter = 0
    snap_size_counter = 0
    deletion_counter = 0
    deleted_size_counter = 0

  for region_name in all_regions:
      print('Instances in EC2 Region {0}:'.format(region_name))
      ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name=region_name)

      # We only want to look through instances with the following tag key value pair: auto_snapshot : true
      instances = ec2.instances.filter(
              {'Name': 'tag:auto_snapshot', 'Values': ['true']}

      volume_ids = []
      for i in instances.all():

          for tag in i.tags:  # Get the name of the instance
              if tag['Key'] == 'Name':
                  name = tag['Value']

          print('Found tagged instance \'{1}\', id: {0}, state: {2}'.format(, name, i.state['Name']))

          vols = i.volumes.all()  # Iterate through each instance's volumes
          for v in vols:
              print('{0} is attached to volume {1}, proceeding to snapshot'.format(name,
              snapshot = v.create_snapshot(
                  Description = 'AutoSnapshot of {0}, on volume {1} - Created {2}'.format(name,, today_string),
              snapshot.create_tags(  # Add the following tags to the new snapshot
                  Tags = [
                          'Key': 'auto_snap',
                          'Value': 'true'
                          'Key': 'volume',
                          'Key': 'CreatedOn',
                          'Value': today_string
                          'Key': 'Name',
                          'Value': '{} autosnap'.format(name)
              print('Snapshot completed')
              snapshot_counter += 1
              snap_size_counter += snapshot.volume_size

              # Now iterate through snapshots which were made by autsnap
              snapshots = ec2.snapshots.filter(
                      {'Name': 'tag:auto_snap', 'Values': ['true']

              print('Checking for out of date snapshots for instance {0}...'.format(name))
              for snap in snapshots:
                  can_delete = False
                  for tag in snap.tags: # Use these if statements to get each snapshot's
                                        # cleated on date, name and auto_snap tag
                      if tag['Key'] == 'CreatedOn':
                          created_on_string = tag['Value']
                      if tag['Key'] == 'auto_snap':
                          if tag['Value'] == 'true':
                              can_delete = True
                      if tag['Key'] == 'Name':
                          name = tag['Value']
                  created_on = datetime.datetime.strptime(created_on_string, '%Y/%m/%d').date()

                  if created_on <= deletion_date and can_delete == True:
                      print('Snapshot id {0}, ({1}) from {2} is {3} or more days old... deleting'.format(, name, created_on_string, delete_after_days))
                      deleted_size_counter += snap.volume_size
                      deletion_counter += 1

  print('   Made {0} snapshots totalling {1} GB\
        Deleted {2} snapshots totalling {3} GB'.format(snapshot_counter, snap_size_counter, deletion_counter, deleted_size_counter))

This is just an improvement and personal notes to: (Keyrus Blog)